17 September, 2020
Share Your Love for TENET and the Big Screen Experience
Have you been to see Christopher Nolan’s TENET in cinemas? If so, read on!
Cinema is back and we’re so pleased you decided to be one of the first people to experience Tenet on the big screen. We want to mark the occasion by sharing your experience of being back in the cinema with other people, and we’d be honoured if you would be part of it.
All we need is a video of you, on camera, sharing your brief responses to the following questions:
• What makes TENET a must-see on the big screen at your local cinema?
• How would you describe the experience of being back in the cinema? Did you eat popcorn, were you happy with the social distancing, did you feel ok about wearing a mask?
• Describe TENET in three words
Have you seen TENET more than once? If so:
• Why does TENET deserve to be seen more than once at the cinema? Was it the plot, the stunts, the characters?
• Can you describe how much you enjoyed seeing TENET again? What made it an even richer experience the second time?

Now you have the questions, here is how we would like it filmed:
• Film your answers in horizontal orientation, not vertical
• Have the phone static (not handheld!)
• Be in front of a plain background – but please don’t sit in front of a window or other source of strong lighting
• Make sure the phone mic isn’t blocked, and film somewhere as quiet as possible
• Make sure your video is appropriate for viewers of all ages
• Don’t include any music or film clips or other third-party materials such as other brand logos, names or slogans
• And of course, be sure to look right into the camera!
Your video may be broadcast, along with others, on the Warner Bros., Tenet and Odeon social channels.
Finally, we also need you to sign this release form, which you will need to upload with your video. Once you’re ready, upload your video and release form here, and please ensure your name is included on both.
If you're interested in participating, we'll need your video and signed release by no later than 3pm on Friday September 25th.
Thank you for your participation and look out for your video on the Warner Bros. UK, Tenet and ODEON social channels soon!